Manage Service Provider

We can tailor and fine-tune custom combinations of solutions for your business’s specific needs. Examples include, but are not limited to those listed below.

Anti-virus/anti-spam/anti-phishing/anti-malware services

Data backup services

IT estate/network monitoring services

New software configuration and provisioning services

New hardware configuration and implementation services

Network infrastructure configuration, implementation, and enhancement services

Cloud computing services (applications, services, resources, management)

Patch/repair/update management services

On-demand augmentation of incumbent staff/expert

How we can help you realize your cloud vision

We help architect, build and manage elaborate solutions that simplify your processes, and workflows, and cut down costs drastically. Solutions IT empowers you to focus on your business strategy and shifts the focus from daily administrative tasks.

Through our cloud management security solutions, we help you automate our practices over single, multiple and hybrid cloud deployments and make the transition to cloud a reality through:

Automation and self-service capabilities that help you deliver value.

Quality pricing, delivery and management models

Ensuring utmost security and compliance standards